There’s no denying chicken coops have been around for centuries. But as technology progresses, why not make our lives easier? Just one 200w chicken coop heater uses roughly 144kwh of electricity a month. This equates to only 1-2 extra panels on your home install, depending on the size of your coop. In this article, we will be breaking down why it makes sense to power your chicken coop and home with solar.
Why not keep your energy costs low?
The average homeowner saves over $1,700 a year on their electric bill when switching to solar. Even better, there are federal incentives that pay you back 26% of your solar system, greatly reducing your bill. Some states, including Utah, and New Mexico offer state rebates for solar as well. These tax credits end up being up to $6,000 back in your pocket! Combine that with the federal incentives and you see up to $20,000 in combined incentives! All the more reason to power your chicken coop and home with solar!
Do YOU Qualify for chicken coop solar?
Today, solar is without a doubt available in your market. Whether you’re still figuring out how to build a chicken coop or you are a veteran just looking to get some new tips on how to clean your chicken coop, solar is here for you and can make the process easier. At Solar Works we serve New Mexico, Utah, and Texas. If you are looking for solar and you live in a different state, that’s ok! Fill out this form and we will get you matched with a top-quality solar company in your area.
Are you a big do-it-yourself person? Solar is perfect for those of us with DIY tendencies. Even if you are in the early stages looking up a frame plan for your chicken coop, you can get the process started. Contact us for a free solar quote! There is nothing more satisfying than being self-sustaining. Solar panels are your ticket to ultimate sustainability. Use solar to reduce the cost of your chicken coop by installing solar panels on your home. This is a fantastic way to increase the productivity of your DIY chicken coop. Trust us, your chickens will thank you later!